Blockstars v0.3.2 (List View and Bulk Actions)
Surprise! We’ve just snuck in a release full of features to save you time! These features were not originally on our roadmap, but we added them as a fast-follow to Practicing. We did this because we heard how time consuming it is for our most engaged community members to put their many Blockstars to Practice.
Here’s 3 new features to save you time.
1. Easily see all your Blockstars and their stats at a glance
You can now see the current abilities of each skill and be able to quickly decide which skill(s) you may want to practice, all on one page — without having to click into each individual Blockstar to view their stats.
How do I use this feature? Personally, I like finding the lowest practicable skill for each Blockstar and practicing those skills first to increase the baseline of all my abilities. When busking comes out, my quick strategy will be to put all the Blockstars with higher Practicing ability to Practice and all the Blockstars with higher Gigging ability to Busk.
What’s your strategy and will this view help? Don’t forget to share your strategies with the community in Discord.
With List View, you can also quickly see Blockstars that have completed their jobs and if their Abilities and Star Ratings increase from completing these jobs. Check out the icons in the first column of the list.
2. Repeat last action with one click
One click and all your Blockstars can be working! This feature will allow you to send your Blockstar off to repeat the last task they performed — repeat exactly the same action, skills, location, and duration! The beauty of this feature is that you can configure each Blockstar to their optimal settings once and then just check, rinse, and repeat to keep getting optimal results.
3. Mark all completed as viewed with one click
When you have Blockstars that have completed an action (i.e. Practicing, Busking…etc), you must view the completed action before you can start them on a new job. We originally added this step so that you can see how much progress (XP and earnings) your Blockstar makes after each job. However, we heard from you that checking each job after completion can be tedious, so we’ve added a way for you to mark all completed jobs at once, without having to check each job.
How to access these features
It’s easy to view your Blockstars in List View and access the “Repeat last action” and “Mark all completed as viewed” features. All you have to do is toggle to the List View icon in the top right corner of the screen, right under the header.
Protip: if your screen view is super narrow (under 1364 px) or you view on mobile, then we automatically remove the stats (i.e. number clutter) and still allow you to take actions on your Blockstars quickly. If you want to see them again, just widen the screen view.
What’s next?
We’re always listening to your feedback and adding useful features that make the game more fun and functional. But don’t worry, nothing has changed with the next few bold beats on our Roadmap. We still plan on releasing Busking (coming very, very soon), NGMI, and Bands in the next few weeks and months. And of course, as we hear more feedback from you, our trusted community members, we will be adjusting, adding, and tweaking to make the experience the best that it can be. If you are wondering how and why we are able to add these quick wins, read more about our iterative release methodology and join our discord to participate in the fun!
Join Us!
This is just a teaser of what we are up to! If you are intrigued by Blockstars, be sure to read much, much more about the game design, tokenomics, and development roadmap in our whitepaper, come and chat with other community members in our Discord and follow us on Twitter. If you want to join the team, check out our job openings here. We will also be posting news about upcoming features, roadmap progress & important events regularly right here, on our blog.
Sherrie Chen | @sher_nft| Chief Product Officer | Blockstars